Helmuth Pree
Rite and Liturgical Law in Eastern Canon Law
Eastern Canon Law 6 (2017) 1, 11–37.
Sommario: Introduction;
I. Liturgical Law as a Basic Element of a “Rite”;
1. The Concept of “Rite”;
2. The Concept of “Liturgical Law”;
a) Relationship between “Liturgy” and “Law”;
b) Problems Concerning the Notion “Liturgical Law”;
3. The Significance of Liturgy/Liturgical Law within a “Rite” and its Consequences;
a) Value and Importance of the “patrimonium liturgicum”;
b) Consequences at the Level of Liturgical Law;
II. “Rite” as Constitutive Element of an “Ecclesia sui iuris”?