Eastern Canon Law 8/1 (2019)
Chiara Minelli General Categories and “Common” Words in the “Long Navigation” Towards the CCEO: The Subtle Echo of Rationabilitas
Orazio Condorelli Il primato del Vescovo di Roma tra principî dogmatici e forme storiche di esercizio. Elementi per una comprensione condivisa tra le Chiese d’Oriente e d’Occidente
Lewis Patsavos History of the Governance of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Sunny Kokkaravalayil The Authority Competent to Dispense Religious according to the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches
Hubert Kaufhold Synodalität in der koptischen Kirche
Szabó Péter The Creation of the Codification Commission of Hajdúdorog (1929) in the Light of Archival Data